Invention offers outstanding separation performance and cuts operating costs through lower energy costs
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News at a glance
Professor Dr Stephan Dabbert, Rector of the University of Hohenheim for many years, has passed away.
mandu-care Gmbh, a start-up from the University of Hohenheim, is a finalist for the IDF Dairy Innovation Award 2024
Large gearboxes, e.g. in wind turbines, are in operation around the clock. With a new monitoring and control system, damage in gearboxes can be…
The radial or axial fans commonly used today are often too large and too loud. The University of Stuttgart has developed a membrane fan that is small…
Dressings adhere firmly to the skin at body temperature, but can be removed easily and painlessly in combination with a cold pack
“HydroSKIN”, a technology from the University of Stuttgart, among the 20 finalists in the competition
What is the best way to successfully market your own idea and protect it at the same time?
A robotic-based additive 6D manufacturing process revolutionizes the production of complex multimaterial components. This innovative solution has…
Secure communication, impervious to interception, is achieved through the application of quantum mechanics in a groundbreaking technology. This method…
Range and charging times are becoming increasingly important for more and more people as part of the shift towards e-mobility. As a result, the…
TLB GmbH is one of the longest active and most successful German patent exploitation centres.