Why startups should deal with IP

Why the topics of intellectual property (IP) and intellectual property are important

Intellectual property rights (IP) are at the centre of every successful strategy of a technology-oriented company. IP rights help to protect the business idea against the competition. It is important to know how intellectual property can be specifically protected.

Technology field analysis

In certain cases, it can be important and vital for technology-orientated companies to know the patent law environment of their planned company. For this purpose, TLB offers an analysis of the specific technology field, which provides the founders with an initial overview of the property rights situation for their company in the context of third-party patents.
Freedom to Operate: A patent search in your own field of technology is essential. This is the only way to clarify your own patentability or dependence on third-party property rights.

Investors and shareholdings

Eine durchdachte Patentstrategie ist auch dann wichtig, wenn es um das Gewinnen von Investoren geht. Geistige Eigentum steigert den Wert des Unternehmens und macht nicht selten die Beteiligung von Venture Capital erst möglich. Die TLB GmbH begleitet Unternehmen und Start-ups auch in der weiteren Entwicklung des Unternehmens und kümmert sich um den Schutz des geistigen Eigentums und Know-hows auch im Upscaling-Prozess. Damit haben die Jungunternehmer den Kopf frei für ihre originären Aufgaben im Unternehmen: Produktentwicklung und Kundengewinnung.

A well thought-out patent strategy is also important when it comes to attracting investors. Intellectual property increases the value of the company and often makes it possible for venture capital to be involved in the first place. TLB GmbH also supports companies and start-ups in the further development of the company and takes care of the protection of intellectual property and expertise during the upscaling process. This leaves the young entrepreneurs free to concentrate on their original tasks within the company: Product development and customer acquisition.


Patents can enable sub-licensing and thus additional income. Patents can also lead to the establishment of partnerships and thus accelerate the business development of the young company.